The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the differences or comparison between Tae Kwon Do and Tai Chi.

First of all, Tai chi and Tae Kwon Do are at opposite ends of the martial arts spectrum: Tai Chi largely has evolved into an exercise system which de-emphasizes its historical roots as a fighting technique in favor of developing balance and inner harmony. It retains, however, effective martial arts techniques hidden in its graceful movements. Tae kwon do, by contrast, continues to emphasize kicking and striking techniques. Both a sport and martial art, it has been codified to qualify as an Olympic event.

Moreover, Tae Kwon Do  is a Korean martial art. Taekwondo was developed during the 1940s and 1950s by various Korean martial artists combining and incorporating the elements of Karate and Chinese Martial Arts along with the indigenous Korean martial arts traditions of TaekkyeonSubak, and Gwonbeop"Tae," meaning to kick or jump; "Kwon," meaning fist or hand; and "Do," which means 'the way.'" 

There's few comparison between these two which are:
1. Soft Vs Hard Martial Arts

  • Choosing between Tai Chi and Tae Kwon Do should be a simple matter. If you are interested in a nonaggressive form of exercise to increase your balance, reduce stress and engage in a moving meditation, then tai chi would be an excellent choice.

  • On the other hand, you are more interested in an aggressive martial art that emphasizes kicking and striking techniques along with the health benefits that vigorous workouts bring, then Tae Kwon Do would be the best selection when limited to a choice between the two.
2. Benefits Between TKD And Tai Chi
  • Tai chi is also known as Tai Chi Chuan or Taiji Quan that explains that the different styles of Tai Chi are named after their founders: Yang, Chen, Wu-Li-Hao, Sun, and Wu Jianquan.

  • Unlike Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi employs few jumping or flying kicks. Instead, it emphasizes stability, according to the Standford University Wushu Club, with movements based on redirecting, deflecting and countering techniques. 

  • The gently flowing, rhythmic, relaxed practice of the different forms of low-impact tai chi may provide significant health benefits including, improved sleep, balance, cardiovascular health and general feelings of contentment - all without the harder aspects associated with a striking and kicking art such as Tae Kwon Do. 

  • In its most popular form today, tai chi is more of a non-competitive exercise stressing balance, control, and flexibility than it is a combat-effective martial art.

For more clear understanding, here's an image about the difference between Tai Chi and Tae Kwon Do.

Tai Chi

Tae Kwon Do
“supreme ultimate fist”

“the way of foot and fist”

Achieving internal and external stability.
Learning the essentials of combat and using them in one.

It is soft and hard martial art form.

It is hard martial art form.
Other aspects
Health, meditation apart from martial arts.

Tae Kwon Do is concerned only with martial arts.

Fast and energetic
Basic Tenets
Mental and physical oneness.
Development of physical attributes such as speed, strength, balance, flexibility, stamina and etc.

Last but not least, before I end this, I would like to share a video clip. Hope you enjoy it. Leave a comment if you like. Teehee

Also, you can see clearly the result who in the end when you watch the video clip. =)

The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the comparison between Qigong and Tai Chi.

Okay, (as usual) first of all, what is Qigong based on your understanding? Well, according to Qi Gong historian Xu Xiangcai, the practice of manipulating chi for health purposes began as early as the 8th century BC. By the 3rd century BC, this practice had been formalized into a series of exercises recognizable as Qi Gong. Over millennia, the practice refined and grew into different styles. Starting in the 1970s as Eastern medicine began to gain acceptance, Qi Gong practice began to spread all over the world. By contrast, Tai Chi was created by Chang San-Feng in the 14th century AD. Its history has more closely followed that of other Chinese martial arts with different families practicing their own variation until popularity in the West spawned the development of unified and commercial forms.

There are few points of comparison between Qigong and Tai Chi.

1. Motions
  • The martial nature of Tai Chi also shows itself in the complexity of the motions. A typical Qi Gong posture has relatively simple, but exacting, physical motions. A typical example involves raising the hands from hips to chest, then returning them. Tai Chi motions can be far more complex, resembling the flowery motions of some styles of Kung Fu. Although Tai Chi is valuable, the more complex motions can distract a practitioner's focus from the energy manipulation aspects of the art.
2. Tai Chi is a martial art, Qigong is purely for healing.

  • The accurate part of this statement is that Qigong has specific techniques or styles that are particularly effective for specific diseases beyond the ken (knowledge or perception) of Tai Chi. For instance, there are specific qigong methods for helping those with cancer and mitigating the effects of radiation and chemotherapy. 

  • The misleading part is that although all Tai Chi powerfully heals and maintains health, only a tiny fraction of participants do any of its practical martial arts techniques. On the other hand, Qigong also has within it practices for increasing the power you need to make self-defense techniques effective, even though Qigong per se does not include the fighting techniques themselves.
That's all for the information about the comparison between Qigong and Tai Chi.

The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the meaning of Tai Chi symbol.

First and foremost, the Tai Chi symbol itself was used by the Taoists and dates back to the 14th century BC or possibly earlier. as if that wasn't old enough, it is necessary to go back even further - much further - to appreciate this symbol and its' meaning. 

The Tai chi symbol is also known as the yin-yang symbol, which is the epitome of balanced chi energy. There are specific symbolisms within the Tai Chi design, especially the black and white tear drops.
Then, the two tears drop represent the male (yang) and female (yin) properties of Tai Chi energy. These properties are found in all matter since chi exists in all things. Male energy is light (white) and active. Female energy is dark (black) and passive. When combined with a balance of power, these two energies create harmony or what is known as chi. This is the same balance of energy that feng shui applications can achieve inside and outside your home. For yang, the yang energies are associated with the radiant light of the sun as well as its fiery heat. Yang energies are extensive and shoot outward whereas yin energies are associated with the dark of the moon and closing inward for rest, regeneration, regrowth and creativity.

Furthermore, when examining the yin-yang symbol, it's easy to understand how day (white) and night (black) are depicted. Each reigns for an equal (balanced) amount of time. Each begins small then grows larger until the next phase begins. Day gives over to the night just as night must give back over to the day. This is a perfect harmony of elements. Both day and night have specific attributes and properties. The day has the sun and the night has the moon and stars. Certain animals belong to the vibrational quality of day while others come out only at night.

Finally, in addition to the Tai Chi symbol, here's some other symbol that might trigger your interest.

The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the 6 precautions before learning Tai Chi.

First of all, as you all know by now (probably), Tai Chi is an exercise that consists of slow-pace movements, meditation of ruminate and inhalation of breathing technique, under the guidance of an instructor. Even though Tai Chi was developed from a long distant past as a martial art, now it has been practiced from all over the world by people of civilization without counts the age, race, and religion, as it aims to meditate for physical and mental health. So, here are some precautions before start to learn Tai Chi.

1. Learn from an instructor
  • Imagine that you choose to practice Tai Chi via watching videos and you made incorrect or wrong movements, how instructor want to inform and warn you about the wrong movement? This is why Tai Chi practice are meant to be in session with an instructor at outside atmosphere, not indoor so that the instructor can monitor and supervise to the right techniques and tell you about the principles of each move.

2. Choose an experienced instructor

  • Choosing an experienced instructor plays an important and paramount role because if your condition is an aggravate of irritation, you should probably pay a visit a doctor and only practice certain movements of Tai Chi that deemed appropriate and compatible for you by both your doctor and your Tai Chi instructor. Also, with an experienced instructor, you can always inform your instructor about the condition that you have suffered and you can avoid certain moves if you suffer from a disease or have a health condition that may lead to the health problem.

3. Start gradually
    martial arts jet li yuen woo-ping tai chi master zhang sanfeng
  • Always not to practice for too long or you will easily get exhausted for practice many movements initially. Then, you should make a timetable of your daily life so that you can easily manage your time management in attending between Tai Chi practice and work hour.\

4. Warm up

  • Before starts, the session of Tai Chi practice, a warm up physical body is a must because martial art can be quite tiring due to muscles and joints are moving constantly. Afterward, it is vital to cool down yourself and rest for some time before on-going the practice again.

5. Know your limitations

  • If you had a muscle spasm as known as cramp when practicing Tai Chi, you shouldn't continue doing it. Also, there is no dearth of movements practiced in Tai Chi and you should do others that you find more suitable and compatible. 

6. Know when not to practice

  • Do not practice Tai Chi on a full stomach. If you have just recovered from an infection or tired or disinclined, give yourself a miss of Tai Chi session. But, if you still insist doing it, you might get stressed out by the session and not derive and obtain all the benefits and importance you should ideally gain.

Finally, the precaution that has been mentioned above can prevent you from making any mistakes and can help you enjoy Tai Chi to the fullest.

The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the different between Tai Chi and Boxing.

First of all, if you guys are thinking about boxing, some of you people out there (probably), must have thinking of a prominent figure boxer, Muhammad Ali. The definition of boxing is a martial art and combat sport in which two people throw punches at each other, usually with gloved hands. Historically, the goals have been to weaken and knock down the opponent.

There's few point of comparison between Tai Chi and Boxing.

1. Equipment combat

  • Since equipment for boxing and Tai Chi involve in any circumstances of combat, precautions must be taken to prevent damage to any physical body that may lead to negative consequences. For boxing, the complete set of equipment is wrist wraps, mouth guard, and boxing gloves; and all these equipment are meant to use in competition or training session whereas for Tai Chi, several equipment in combat or training session which are 'feng huo lun' or known as wind and fire wheel (as shown in the picture), halberd or rope darts.

2. Decreased Stress and Tension
  • According to the Mayo Clinic site, boxing practice allows a person to enhance endorphins, boosts mood, works as a form of meditation of ruminate and improves sleep, all of which help reduce stress and tension. Also, it is an amazing cathartic release where you can release pressure of tension on a punching bag and this can empowering feeling to punch your stress to smithereens. Similarly, Tai Chi also allows people to dispensation the stress but different method than boxing; Tai Chi is more toward to slow-pace movements that also comes with stress reduction, lessening the depression, anxiety, and enhanced mood in both healthy people and those with chronic conditions. Moreover, Tai Chi has been shown to enhance aerobic capacity, inflation an inner energy and structure the muscle strength.

Last but not least, the choice to choose either boxing or Tai Chi to practice is up to you, as long as you compatible with it.

And not to forget, do welcome to watch a video clip about Tai Chi versus Boxing. Hope you guys out there enjoy it. =) Teehee. . .

The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the different between Tai Chi and Yoga.

First and foremost, what is the meaning and exemplification - definition of  Yoga? Yoga means ‘union’ or ‘connection’. In Sanskrit, the word ‘yoga’ is used to signify any form of connection. Yoga is both a state of connection and a body of techniques that allow us to connect to anything.
Conscious connection to something allows us to feel and experience that thing, person, or experience. The experience of connection is a state of yoga, a joyful and blissful, fulfilling experience.
Furthermore, another definition is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practised for health and relaxation.

Back to the point, so basically, yoga and Tai Chi have similar goals which allow the body of a person to slowly transition from one position to another and both practices attempt to coordinate and equivalent the muscles, bones, heart and mind with the energy of positivity that surrounds the physical body.

Although both have similar goals, a comparison of the benefits of tai chi and yoga reveals interesting differences.

1. Reduced stress and tension
  • To be fact, it is the matter of person's choice whether to practice Tai Chi or Yoga that suits yourself better in life. If you like constant movements of Tai Chi and become nervous while holding yoga posture, the beginning will help you relieve stress more effectively than the latter. Likewise, if the stillness of yoga modulating and harmonize to your soul, you might find that a yoga practice suits you best.

2. Improved balance and equity
  • The Harvard Health Publications website claims Tai Chi's constant movement can improve in term of balancing of an equity of people as old as 92; in addition to helping remove the fear of falling in senior whereas the University of Maryland Medical Center claims that a regular yoga practice emphasis and stress out on static poses makes it a better choice for improving balance while standing still also yoga teaches you how to distribute and deliver the weight evenly across your feet, which drastically improves stability.
    Here's is video clip about the difference between Tai Chi and Yoga.
    Do enjoy watching it =)

    The Exposure of Tai Chi

    Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the disadvantage of Tai Chi.

    First of all, as you all know by now a plenty of details about Tai Chi which most of the information are about the pros, practice Tai Chi do have cons as well and here is some cons for learning Tai Chi

    So, let's take a look at the cons of learning Tai Chi, shall we?

    disappointed rowan atkinsonPractice Tai Chi like all internal arts, it takes a long time and period to learn and mastering the art of Tai Chi. To mastered the Tai Chi is about 5 years, it is because late Grand Master Hao Shaoru (1907 - 1983 passed away at the age of 76) mastered the Tai Chi himself

    Moreover, for casual learners or busy people, we recommend daily practices of 20 minutes in order to reap the benefits of better health. The practice content could be either doing entire forms or simply doing the first two moves of the 49 forms.

    star trek tired sleep tired gif sleep gifAlso, there are stages of 10 to be mastered which are beginning I, beginning II, beginning III intermediate I, intermediate II, intermediate III, advanced I, advanced II, advanced III and senior. So, to put it simpler, it is long way journey to way up to the top unless you are determined and persistent also stubborn enough, hehe.

    Not to forget, it is hard to find a school in the West that will teach you the martial applications, most Tai Chi are just focus on health and management of stress and tension.

    Furthermore, when attending the class, the result would probably will discomfort the physical body because the classes is actually long time of period and will felt out of energy. Also, the difficulty of the Tai Chi movements is quite challenging, it is because the movements itself is hard to remember and follow the steps. 

    Finally, it is not suitable and appropiate to practice Tai Chi independently especially in home or anywhere that you are individually apart from the others even though you are watching the Tai Chi practice online at Youtube, it wouldn't be the same as in class and a practice must have a guru to monitor for any steps or movements.