Tai Chi - 6 Precautions Before Learning

by 09:05 0 comments
The Exposure of Tai Chi

Hello internet users, I would like to share with you about the 6 precautions before learning Tai Chi.

First of all, as you all know by now (probably), Tai Chi is an exercise that consists of slow-pace movements, meditation of ruminate and inhalation of breathing technique, under the guidance of an instructor. Even though Tai Chi was developed from a long distant past as a martial art, now it has been practiced from all over the world by people of civilization without counts the age, race, and religion, as it aims to meditate for physical and mental health. So, here are some precautions before start to learn Tai Chi.

1. Learn from an instructor
  • Imagine that you choose to practice Tai Chi via watching videos and you made incorrect or wrong movements, how instructor want to inform and warn you about the wrong movement? This is why Tai Chi practice are meant to be in session with an instructor at outside atmosphere, not indoor so that the instructor can monitor and supervise to the right techniques and tell you about the principles of each move.

2. Choose an experienced instructor

  • Choosing an experienced instructor plays an important and paramount role because if your condition is an aggravate of irritation, you should probably pay a visit a doctor and only practice certain movements of Tai Chi that deemed appropriate and compatible for you by both your doctor and your Tai Chi instructor. Also, with an experienced instructor, you can always inform your instructor about the condition that you have suffered and you can avoid certain moves if you suffer from a disease or have a health condition that may lead to the health problem.

3. Start gradually
    martial arts jet li yuen woo-ping tai chi master zhang sanfeng
  • Always not to practice for too long or you will easily get exhausted for practice many movements initially. Then, you should make a timetable of your daily life so that you can easily manage your time management in attending between Tai Chi practice and work hour.\

4. Warm up

  • Before starts, the session of Tai Chi practice, a warm up physical body is a must because martial art can be quite tiring due to muscles and joints are moving constantly. Afterward, it is vital to cool down yourself and rest for some time before on-going the practice again.

5. Know your limitations

  • If you had a muscle spasm as known as cramp when practicing Tai Chi, you shouldn't continue doing it. Also, there is no dearth of movements practiced in Tai Chi and you should do others that you find more suitable and compatible. 

6. Know when not to practice

  • Do not practice Tai Chi on a full stomach. If you have just recovered from an infection or tired or disinclined, give yourself a miss of Tai Chi session. But, if you still insist doing it, you might get stressed out by the session and not derive and obtain all the benefits and importance you should ideally gain.

Finally, the precaution that has been mentioned above can prevent you from making any mistakes and can help you enjoy Tai Chi to the fullest.



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